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Halliburton - direct        50

the record anyway.

MR. SABLE:  I have nothing before me. I treated the pleadings as a part of the record for obvious reasons. However, this is documentary evidence. This is a de novo proceeding. We will have to have it marked in evidence.

MR. WEISS:  I have no objection.

MR. SABLE:  Mark that in evidence as Complainant's Exhibit Number 2, a letter reading W. Glen Harlan, Esq., dated April 24, 1969, without objection.

(Above-mentioned document - received and marked as Complainant's Exhibit 2 in Evidence, as of this date.)

BY MR. BAILEY (Cont'g)

Q  This letter was written after theinitial [[the initial]] complaint and following a proceeding up here in an attempt to conciliate?

A  Yes, sir.

Q  It was suggested that Captain Gitt go over and have an interview with you with a view towards getting a job at Eastern; was it not?