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Halliburton - direct   52

Q  He is qualified under the F.A.R. to fly a ferry flight, isn't he?

A  I believe he is.

Q  Would A.T.R. --

Mr. SABLE:  (Int'g)  Explain A.T.R.

Q  Air Transport Rating, highest pilot certificate one can have in the United States?

A  That's partially correct.

Q  A certificate which an air carrier flying revenue flights must have?

A  Required.

Q  He could fly if he had only a commercial and instrument rating, could he not?

A  I'm not sure, as far as air carrier.

Q  Could you instruct an air carrier pilot without any --

A  (Int'g)  Yes, probably could.

Q  Could he do a test flight without it?

A  Yes.

Q  The F.A.A. would not object at all if he were to do any of those functions, not ferrying passengers or cargo?

A  I think that's probably true.