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Halliburton - direct       54

Q  Considering, on the one hand, the man who flies non-revenue flights on a regular basis and observation flights on the line on a periodic basis, and on the other hand, a man who flies non-revenue flights on a regular basis and flies the line on a periodic basis, would you tell us what does that one have by way of valuable --

MR. SABLE:  (Int'g) It is a little complex.

Let's go off the record for a moment.

(Discussion off the record.)

MR. SABLE:  Back on the record.

What he has been trying to elicit is the difference in being current or maintaining currency when a pilot operates the aircraft for other than line purposes on other than a regular basis but sitting in the jump seat as an observer or manager on line flights; why would he not remain just as current under those circumstances as if he actually flew the airplane