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Halliburton -- direct     56

(Whereupon, a short recess was taken.)

(Hearing resumed)

BY MR. BAILEY (Cont'g)

Q Let me, Captain, put this question as best as I am able. I want you to assume that there are two pilots, both of whom have all of the necessary tickets and experience with the line, each of whom flies 70 or 80 per cent of the time and works instructing other line pilots or instructing line pilots or doing test flying. Every four months, one of them returns to fly the line from the left seat for ten flights and the other returns to sit in the observer's seat for ten flights. Now, I want to know, for Eastern, what it is that one accumulates by way of desirable experience that the other one lacks. 

A Well, Mr. Bailey, it's just a matter of doing it yourself. A man, who is instructing all the time, as you say, or a man performing something other than line flying, he isn't getting the experience of the approaches and in all of the