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Halliburton - direct      64

instruction that we are required to do.

Q  If a man is being checked out as co-pilot on a 707, does the instructor sit in the left seat and watch him fly from the right seat? 

A  We try as much as possible to instruct crews, as a whole, but sometimes he does, yes.

Q  So he is in command of the airplane in actually controlling it, because the co-pilot would have no authority to do that; right?

A  Correct.

Q  So there is actually flying experience in the manipulation of the controls?

A  Yes.

Q  Now, it is certainly a fact that those from the F.A.A., who every six months check your pilots, don't fly any line, do they?

A  No.

Q  So they are the ones who decide if your pilots may continue to carry passengers in these United

A  They check them on certain emergency procedures and things like that, but they are not qualified