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Halliburton - direct       65

line pilots.

Q  They issue certificates in the first place to decide whether you get to fly the air carrier, don't they?

A  Yes.

Q  They don't fly on a regular basis on any schedule runs?

A  No.

Q  But they have the power of judgement whether your pilot will continue to fly or bust their check; true?

A  As far as the F.A.A. is concerned.

Q  Incidentally, they fly until they are 65, 70?

A  I couldn't tell you what the age is.

VOICE: Seventy.

Q  You contend they are not qualified to check your pilots because they don't fly the line. Is that Eastern's position?

A  They won't meet Eastern's requirements for Manager of Flying.

Q  I am sorry. Perhaps I put my question badly. I am asking you whether or not in your judgement