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Halliburton - direct      71

He may be a test pilot. He may be a check pilot. He may be a ferry pilot. Now, of all these functions, the one which is most highly programmed, presumably at least, subject to the vagaries of weather and equipment would be the line pilot's work; is that correct?

THE WITNESS:  Mr. Sable, I am not sure that I understand the question. Would you repeat it?

MR. SABLE:  Read it back.

(Reporter reads back the last question.)

A  All of these types of flying, Mr. Sable, are programmed. They follow a regular schedule line of maneuvers, listed maneuvers, et cetera. The test pilot has certain things he is looking for and testing for. All of these flights are programmed. They just don't go out and fly and come back in. Barring any irregularities, any failure of