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Halliburton - direct      77

Q  Or does any carrier that you know of, true?

A  No scheduled air carrier that I know of. 

Q Now, you have said that the experience of all carriers indicates that you have to go through the line periodically.  Do all the carriers require all check pilots and instructor pilots to fly the line?

A  I don't know.  I am not familiar with all the carriers. 

Q  How many do you know, can you name, that do have the Eastern Policy?

A  What do you mean by the Eastern policy?

Q  That you cannot be a test pilot over 60, because you cannot fly the line. 

A  Oh, I couldn't answer that either.  I know that several carriers do have the practice of their check pilots flying the line, but whether they say they cannot fly -- I am only acquainted with Eastern.

Q  Do you know anybody besides Eastern that refuses employment to pilots over 60, as check pilots, because they cannot fly the line as you have done?