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Halliburton - direct        79

Q Captain, in perfect candor, in relying on our combined experience, that jump seat was conceived by an idiot?

A  It is not very comfortable. 

Q  When you ride up there, assuming there is room in the air, one of your functions is to maintain a very high degree of procedural efficiency and to supply safety and guarantee the passenger safe passage?

A  Yes. 

Q  That is part of your responsibility?

A  Yes. 

Q When did you last fly the line? 

A  It's a long time ago.  I'd have to go back and check the records. 

MR. SABLE:  More than ten years ago?

THE WITNESS: Yes, more than ten. 

Q  How old are you, Captain?

A  I am sixty-two. 

Q  Is there any doubt that you are perfectly capable