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Halliburton - direct       80

of performing a meaningful operation for that airline?

A  What do you mean by meaningful operation?

Q  If the crew was running a sloppy operation.

A  I am not competent to serve as a manger of flying in a line check, or the other duties that they perform, if that is what you mean.

Q  Despite your long absence from flying the line, you are perfectly competent to recognize a sloppy crew?

MR. WEISS: I think the witness has answered the question.

MR. BAILEY: I am putting another question.

MR. WEISS: Ithink [[I think]] putting a question of what a sloppy operation is may be meaningful in Mr. Bailey's judgment, but not mine. The witness said that he is not competent to operate as a manager of flight or flight manager or do line checking. We are talking about a specific function and the witness has answered. I would suggest a