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Halliburton       86

A  Yes.

Q  So in your judgement, there is greater need for the policy than there was in 1945 or 1946?

A  I think so.
MR. BAILEY:  I don't really think this man is entitled to testify in the guise of cross-examining a man by statement as a party to his own witness. I have heard nothing from the witness and I ask that the questions be restricted so that the witness has to at least do some testifying. 
MR. SABLE:  The value as to a leading question is certainly diminished by the form of the question and perhaps it would be better to elicit testimony from the witness without leading him too much. 

Q  In your judgment, Captain Halliburton, is the company's policy still highly desirable? 

A  I think it is entirely sound; yes. 

Q  Now, what percentage, approximately, of Eastern's