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Halliburton        90

on changes in our fleet make-up?

In other words, a man reaches the age of 60, and can no longer fly productively on the line in a particular type of aircraft. How long do we actually change aircraft?

A  Well, the last few years, Eastern has been adding to its fleet very very rapidly, both as to numbers and types of aircraft and of course, a man that has reached 60 would not be qualified on any new type of equipment that might come in. I presume that is what you mean, after his retirement from line flying.

Q  Has Eastern recently retired certain types of aircraft?

A  Yes.

Q  What types of aircraft has been retired within the last few years?

A  Well, we have retired within the last few years -- we have retired the Douglas DC-7; Douglas DC-6. I don't know how far back you want to go.