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Halliburton        95

that you talked about, all require that the man go back to fly the line periodically?

MR. BAILEY: I object to that question in its form.

MR. SABLE: Read that question back.

(Reporter reads back the last question.)

MR. SABLE: Required by whom?

MR. HARLAN: I will break it down.

Q  Under the F.A.R., as you understand it, would these additional functions require that the man remain current as a line pilot?

MR. SABLE: In his opinion, you are asking?

A  In my opinion, every one of the check pilot's duties, except these non-flying
administrative duties over his group of people assigned to him requires that he be current
on all procedures and everything connected with the scheduled flying, line flying.

Q  Then the second part of the question: As far as