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Michael A. Gitt
99 Clent Road, B-106,Great Neck,NY 110121
February 20,1996

Dear John:

Thank you for your lovely letter. I was having a " BLAH "day and your letter brightened things up. It is nice to know that there are some of us " GREEN SUITERS " left as we called ourselves because of the color of our uniforms. It is also nice to know that I did some things to remember after 47 years.

Colonial Airlines was a great family to all of us we were small but we had pride and we were loyal to each other and the COMPANY. And when I write a letter to Charley Buckland and he keeps it in his pocket to show it to another one of us, I know that we are still a FAMILY. HOW GOOD.

Thank you for the news clipping. It is nice to know that Jack Fayes and Al Brillaud are still around and doing the things they always did. I see some of the pilots who still live on the Island { not to many } now and then. And I occasionally get to a luncheon up in Connecticut and see the gang up there. As for myself, I retired in '68 and worked for a Commuter Airline as Director of Flight operations and chief Pilot for about 6 months. it was a good job while it lasted. We had an operation in San Juan, and Morris Town, N.J. an our office was in EAL Building in Radio City. How about that. It lasted till they ran out of money. You may have heard of it? Its name was, " AIRSPUR. "

I was then asked by the Great Neck Park District where I lived to run their Marina. You see I am also a sailor and have won many prizes in competition and I had been chairman of their marine activities in comm. So I had a nice job for 8 years and reached age 70 so I was out of a job again. The story of my life. Don't feel sorry for me I haven't missed much so far in my 87 years. But that is how it goes.  

MY feeling " BLAH " today is because of after all these years, I recently, this year, I found that I had acquired a physical disability called, "MYESTHENIA GRAVIS." It means a weakening of the muscles. It is not necessarily fatal but it makes one tired and slows me down. I take a medication for it but that too has it's short comings. I ran into Bill Shorty a few years back in Miami. well that is it for now. So if you run into any other " GREEN SUITERS " let me know and keep in touch, and tell Charley thanks for your kind letter, etc. With best wishes and kindest regards, I am.