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of EAL who are gone forever, I am struck with guilt for lasting so long myself. So, it will be my turn soon, but I will delay to a century if possible. I had one old friend, Clyde Ice, who I watched make perfect flights on his 100th birthday. He died at more than 103. We had done a lot of flying together on a traveling air show and acrobatic team in 1932. Flying can be a youth preservative if one lives through it. 

Now, as for the UFO, any pilot who makes a legal solo flight on or after the 80th birthday is eligible to become a member of United Flying Octogenarians, probably the most exclusive pilot organization in the country. We now have 200+ members and are slowly growing with growth into the future probable, unless "big brother" FAA decides to put an age limit on us. The desk pilots in Washington are the great authorities. The UFO has only three officers, all unpaid volunteers, myself and the Sec./Treas/Editor, E.B. "Erv" Martim whose address is P.O. Box 1050, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495. Tel #715-421-3763. The dues are a mere $10 per year and the little membership are at cost, $3.00. They are a rectangle of 1" x 3/4", with a little image of One of those fictitious flying saucers superimposed by the initials, UFO and the full name, United Flying Octogenarians above and below. Of course we have fun with that. We even have a shoulder patch which I think is about the same price. 

Our annual meeting is held in conjunction with the annual convention of the AOPA, wherever that occurs, which was in October at Palm Springs, CA this year. The AOPA generously provides a room for about two hours. Many UFO members are members of AOPA also. We had one fly-in at Dayton OH two years ago. Many members are still flying.