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CLIFF GREENE 2 Eastborne Dr., Little Silver, NJ 07739

One year older and almost two months late with my dues - for which I apologize. Enclosed is a check of $50.00, $25 for the dues and $25 for the kitty. I know REPA will find good use for it.

Like everyone else in this fine organization, I wait on REPArtee each quarter. It has to be the greatest publication that I receive and the right on target for content.

Jeanne and I leave next week for a 71 day cruise to Ausbradice, New Zealand and other Pacific ports. Our second safari to those parts of the world. We are thankful we are able to enjoy our retirement both physically and financially.

Keep up the good work, Cliff

FELIX CARPENTER P.O. Box 251, Goffstown, NH 03045

Thought the postage stamp would grab your attention. With a magnifying glass I could pick out the "Red Duck-Hawks" and "The Great Silver Fleet". That was my first assignment in EAL in early '64 as an F/E (S/O?).

Just received and went through every word of the Winter '98 Repartee. Especially liked OB Bivens' article on flying boats of Pan Am. The B314 always fascinated me - only seven made and not one survived. Such a shame. That would be some Museum piece. My Walter Mitty dream would be to run "NASTALGIA AIRLINES", a B314 from a New Hampshire fresh water late in the early a.m. One-stop at Chicago Meigs (fresh-water) Lake Michigan, then on to Seattle. I bet it would be 100% load factor both ways! Sincerely appreciate all the good work you're doing.

Sincerely, Felix

HANK FINELLY 11 Alpine Drive, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Linda and I had to miss yet another Convention, but I guess that's life with us working folks.
I will turn that majical age of 60 years in February. Every day has been great, but the most wonderful of all those years as an Eastern pilot. I miss every delay and every on-time departure. I miss every stormy night and sunny day. Most of all, (as it has been said many times before) I really miss the Eastern people.

Now, we have wonderful memories, and a dedicated force of REPA folks who keep it all alive. Thanks to everyone involved. I miss our airline!!!

Choa, Hank