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Regards to all, Dick

JIM MAHEN, 14 Woodside Road, Topsfield, MA 01983

After a couple of years of being on time with my REPA dues, I find that I am once again behind. Not too bad this year - only 48days...

Sorry that Anne and I were unable to make the convention this year, but we were at a reunion of Red River, NM. The plans for this get together were made more than a year ago, so we were "locked in".

Had a great time out there, though it was a mite chilly at 9400 MSL. Was down to 16F one morning, and the mountain tops were snow covered from then on. They had 30 inches of snow about a week and a half after we left.

Hard to believe it's been 19 years since I hung up my uniform for the last time, and that I am now in the beginning of my eightieth year. I am bothered by a little arthritis, but I am lucky in that I can still get around the golf course on a cart, (the riding kind....that is). Age hasn't improved my score, and while I'd really like to cut a stroke or ten off my game, it seems to hover in the same figures rather consistently.

Anne and I manage to get down to New Jersey three or four times a year to visit two of our offspring and our four grandchildren. #1 grandson graduated from Penn State this spring, and is being moved to CLT in January, so we won't be seeing him as much as we'd like. Our other offspring moved from BOS to Tucson, AZ last Saturday, so we have no children left in New England. Gonna be lonesome.

Anne and I want to wish you and all the other REPANS a most joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness and fulfillment.

Sincerely, Jim

BEVERLY BENNIS, 11916 Basin St. S, Wellington, FL 33414

I can't tell you how thrilled I was to be asked to become an associate member of REPA last year. I attended the convention in Atlanta and it was wonderful to see "OLD" friends and make some new ones.

One in particular was Dave Vaughter, who was a right seat(er) when we were all in New Orleans. We opened the base there in 1946 with 12 crews. What a good time we had talking about the "Good Old Days". It was when the crews flew together for months on end, until you bid another line or changed days, or something like that. It helped to know the pilots and their idiosyncrasies and many times they came back to help. On the DC-3's you were the only one in the back and there was not much time between some of the stops- Then we went to the DC 4's and that was when it got to be fun. We had it made in MSY, I flew 56 hours a month, with-a 36 hr. layover in New York City.

It was with real sorrow that I read recently in the EARA Newspaper of the passing of "Beans" Reardon. One of our favorite Operations persons. Saw him a lot after he was transferred to JFK. My husband was Chief of Operations for the Port Authority of NY & NJ for over 30 years. He had been an F/A with EAL when I met him in MDY so of course he knew "Beans" also.

I am enclosing my Assoc. Dues for the next year, and again I am honored to be in