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Some highlights, sidelights, observations, and quotable quotes from the 13th Convention:
Leverett Edwards, member NMB Banquet Squeaker:

"The only thing that could make me come here with two hours sleep would be an ALPA Convention. . . . You have a wonderful organization and wonderful officers doing a swell job. . . . ALPA does a fine job in every respect."

In appreciation of the many years of service and the many contributions he has made to ALPA and the air line piloting profession, a letter of gratitude was signed by all delegates and sent to former Vice-President J. E. Wood (EAL), who is currently recuperating from surgery and has found it necessary to refrain from his former active participation as an ALPA officer.

President Sayen in adjourning the Convention:

"We've accomplished more and this has been the finest and most constructive Convention of all. ALPA has proven its maturity as an organization when it can tackle as many problems as it did and solve them as satisfactorily as it did. As a result of the actions taken here, ALPA is bound to grow in stature."

A resolution, introduced from the floor, commended Hawaiian Airlines on its 25th Anniversary. Hawaiian recently completed a quarter century of pioneer service during which it has flown 500 million passenger miles without a fatality to crew or passengers.

D. J. Smith, newly elected treasurer:

"We have something we've been after-a dues reduction. I'm not going down and count the money Monday morning. We're not going to operate as a collection agency, but a service organization of you will just give us your cooperation."

The Convention opened with a very fine invocation by chaplain Major Norman Nelson, Air Force Reserve, of the Calvary Lutheran Church, Chicago, asking for guidance and sound judgment in decisions of great import facing the Convention.

Frank Entwhistle, Chief, Flight Branch, ICAO:

"We're finding the opinions of the pilots increasingly important in our work. They provide us with much valuable information available at no other source. We hope you'll continue to give us the benefit of this knowledge and advice."

Veterans' Day, Nov. 11, was observed with the Convention coming to a halt 11 o'clock while all delegates stood facing east for two minutes of silence.

Repartee during discussion of Merger Committee report:

"DO we have a merger policy?" . . . "Yes, right now we have 42 of them."

Regional Vice-President Talton did a bang-up job of M.C.'ing the banquet and introducing the speakers. The banquet (prime ribs of beef, pictures and speakers), like the Convention, was acclaimed as the finest yet.

Charles E. Beatley, formerly Region III Vice-President, on being elected First Vice-President:

"I'm speechless. Before I represented some of you, now I have to represent you all. I realize it's a big job, but I promise I'll give it everything I have."

TWA's Dave Kuhn to UAL's Howard Reid during retirement discussion: "Well, us young fellows don't have anything to worry about."

Secretary F. A. Spencer reporting on the Secretaryship:
"Sometimes I also fly airplanes."

All of which just goes to prove, aside from being very businesslike, the 13th convention, like ALPA itself, was very human, too.

NMB's Leverett Edwards . . .

ICAO's Frank Entwhistle . . .

Chaplain Major Norman Nelson . . .

Banquet M.C. Vice Pres. Talton . . .