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I.A.S. Membership Requirements

Article 1–Membership

SECTION 1. All persons engaged in the practice of the aeronautical sciences or in other work which contributes to the advancement of the aeronautical sciences shall be eligible in one of the grades of membership of the Institute. Consideration in grading is given to professional education and experience, publications, academic position, membership in other scientific and engineering societies, record of aeronautical designs created and contributions to scientific knowledge. A Bachelor's Degree in science or engineering shall be considered the equivalent of four years of aeronautical experience. All applicants must sign, before admission, an agreement that they will conform to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the Institute.

SECTION 2. Honorary Fellows shall be persons of eminence in aeronautics and shall be elected by the Fellows (including honorary Fellows) of the Institute residing in the United States. Not more than one person residing in the United States, nor more than one person residing in a foreign country, may be elected as Honorary Fellow in any one year.

SECTION 3. Honorary Members of the Institute may be elected by the Council for a period of one year.

SECTION 4. Benefactors shall be persons who have contributed to the Institute not less than one thousand dollars.

SECTION 5. A Fellow shall have been an Associate Fellow for one year or more and have attained a position of distinction in aeronautics. He shall have made notable and valuable contributions in one of the aeronautical sciences or in aeronautical engineering. Not more than ten Fellows residing in the United States and ten Fellows residing in foreign countries may be elected each year by vote of the Honorary Fellows and Fellows by secret mail ballot under rules prescribed by the Council. Fellows shall be proposed and elected by the Honorary Fellows and Fellows of the Institute residing in the United States. A favorable vote of three-fourths of those voting shall be required for an election.

SECTION 6. An Associate Fellow shall have been engaged for not less than ten years in the practice of the aeronautical sciences; and shall have been in responsible charge of important scientific or engineering work in aeronautics, or shall have done original work of outstanding character, or shall have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the aeronautical sciences. Applicants for this grade shall be recommended by not less than four members of the Institute of whom two or more shall be Fellows or Associate Fellows.

SECTION 7. MEMBERS shall be persons who have been engaged in professional work for at least eight years and have acquired a recognized standing in engineering, design, research, instruction, test flying, the application of the aeronautical sciences, or the technical development of the manufacture or operation of aircraft, aircraft power plants or other essential components or accessories of aircraft. [To qualify for this grade applicants shall be recommended by not less than four persons of whom not less than two shall be members of the Institute.]

SECTION 8. Associate Members shall be persons engaged in the application or development of aeronautics in administrative or other positions and who have acquired a recognized standing in aeronautics. [Applicants for this grade shall be recommended by not less than four persons of whom not less than two shall be members of the Institute.]

SECTION 9. Technical Members shall be former Student Members who have graduated and others engaged in scientific or engineering work in aeronautics or fields closely related to aeronautics. To qualify for this grade applicants shall be recommended by not less than four persons of whom not less than one shall be a member of the Institute.

SECTION 10. Student Members shall be undergraduate or graduate students attending those universities or schools where branches of the Institute have been organized. Student Members shall comply with, and be subject to, the Rules for Student Membership adopted by the Council. Student Members, provided they qualify, will be transferred to the grade of Technical Membership on the 30th day of September following the date of their graduation.

SECTION 11. Corporate Members shall be manufacturers of aircraft, power plants, components, equipment and supplies; operators of aircraft or those who provide services to the aircraft or air transport industries. 

SECTION 12. The Secretary shall forward to the Membership Committee all applications for membership or for regrading. The Secretary shall notify applicants of the decisions of the Membership Committee.

SECTION 13. Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Honorary Members, Associate Fellows, MEMBERS and Associate Members shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Institute, if in good standing. Proxies authorizing a voting member to vote for an absent member shall be signed by such absent member and shall be submitted to the Secretary in advance of the meeting for verification of the member's right to vote.

Article II - Dues

SECTION 1. An entrance fee of Ten Dollars shall be payable on election to the grades of Technical Member, Associate Member, MEMBER or Associate Fellow, except that no entrance fee shall be payable by an applicant residing permanently outside the United States and Canada or by a Student Member applying within the prescribed time limit, for admission as a Technical Member.

SECTION 2. The annual dues shall be:

Honorary Fellows  None
Honorary Members  None
Benefactors  None
Fellows  $16.50
Associate Fellows 16.50
MEMBERS  13.50
Associate Members  13.50
Technical Members over age 26  13.50
Technical Members under age 26  6.50
Student Members  None
Corporate Members  Set by Council

Dues shall include a subscription to the Aeronautical Engineering Review. Student Members may subscribe for the Review at one-half the regular subscription rate. All members of the Institute residing in the United States and Canada may subscribe for the Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences at a special rate set by the Council.

For members residing permanently outside the United States and Canada annual dues shall be $10.00 in all grades and shall include subscriptions to the Aeronautical Engineering Review and the Journal of the Aeronautical Science.

Beginning on the first of October [[text cut off]] following his 26th birthday dues [[text cut off]] Technical Member shall be the [[text cut off]] those of a MEMBER.

SECTION 3. Dues sh[[text cut off]] annually in advance on [[text cut off]]

SECTION 4. The C[[text cut off]] waive the payment of dues by a member. Members whose dues have [[text cut off]] waived, or who are in arrears, may [[text cut off]] subscribe to the Institute publication at members' special reduced rates.

SECTION 5. Members shall not be entitled to any return of fees or dues upon severance of their connection with the Institute.

SECTION 6. Every person admitted to membership in the Institute shall be considered liable for payment of dues until his membership shall have terminated by written resignation or otherwise. Resignations may be submitted by any member during the fiscal year in which his dues have been paid. Resignations submitted after such period may not be accepted until all dues have been paid.