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Class History, June Graduates, 1921


Long years ago, a hoary haired prophet said in the golden years to come a class of girls and boys would descend from the blue skys above––and that these people would startle the world. The class has arrived––in the form of June graduates 1921.

In our Freshman year we surprised our upper classmen by our lack of greenness, usually shown by Freshman.

In our Sophmore year we excelled all the other classes in social events. We furnished most of the foot-ball stars that year, and were represented in basket-ball.

As Juniors we were successful in all our big undertaking, especially the Junior-Senior Banquet.

Now we have attained the dignity of Seniors and we wear our dignity well. It is with some regret that we watch this last year in B. W. H. S. draw to a close, for we shall always remember with pleasure the happy and profitable days spent in Washington High School.


The close of the fourth of our work in Washington High School causes us to do a bit of retrospection.

In the spring of nineteen hundred and seventeen. twenty-five prospective Freshmen entered Washington High School. Determined to prove their worth, they son received recognition from the school and its faculty.

This class began the Sophomore year in high spirit with only ten members, the others having having fallen by the way-side. As the months rolled by they became imbued with the idea that they would soon be dignified Juniors. Aspiring for this honor they accomplished much and successfully finished the second years work.

The Junior year ushered in the responsibility of a new life. For the first time the class realized that they would be the first mid-term class in the history of Washington High School. They alone must break the ice in order that others might swim. Nothing was left undone to accomplish the great undertaking. The invincible hand of death and the glare of the world had reduced this wonderful class to a faithful sexette.

The mid-term Seniors of 1921 sincerly believe the old saying "There is no gain without pain." The ice was deeper than they had ever dreamed and there was much to be done but perseverence and assiduity have affected marvelous results. They have fought their battles, reaped their reward by becoming alumni of dear old Washington High School.

They are now ready to say good-bye to those who follow, and to encourage by leaving them their motto, "Climb tho the rocks be rugged."

This motto was used as a sword of war, and it brought the class out more than victorious.