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[[5 Columned Table]]

| Names | Pecularity | Personal Appearance | Future | Hobby |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Allison | Laugh | Pleasant | Samstress | Tatting |
|Claybon | His Mood | Pensive | Physician | Tall Girls |
|Goodwin, A. | Rapid Speech | Peach, Cream | Prima Donna | Books |
| Goodwin, E. | Temper | Effective | Pharmacist | Flirting |
| Hodnett | Reticence | Small | Married | Solitude |
| Hogans | Changeable | Great | Nurse | Hand Work |
| Johns | Posing | Fast | Chorus Girl | Foolish Questions |
| Loupe | Red Cheeks | Sweet As | Wedded Joy | Only Angels |
| Pratt | Walk | Hard to Beat | Mystery | Know Automobiles |
|Simpson | Coqueettish | Stunning | Adventures | Hard to Tell |
| Thompson | Comical | Mirth Inducing | Dentist | Athletics |
| Tolbert | Head | Dignified | Specialist | Chewing Gum |