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Sophomores, A--Class



Della Bridges...She Never Knows the joy of being Alone
Lillie Brown...Her Voice Rivals that of a Bird
Ruth Blakely...She Does what She Does when She Does It
Lorenzo Goodwine...O Boy, There's a Pearl in the Seven B.
Martha Hardridge...I Love to see the Stars Shine at Night
Hilda Hall...Life is too Serious for Foolishness
Sallie Holderness...A Direct Descendant of Caesar
James Jones...I Can't Help it Because I am Tall
Mattie Lathon...A Dillar a Dollar a Ten o'clock Scholar
Floyd Manual...Just Takes Life as 'Tis Sent
Alice Roberson...What Would the Ten A do Without Her
Eloise Taylor...All's not Gold that Glitters
Reginald Thair...A National Cartoonist
Willie Young...I Must'nt be a Lemon in the Garden of Love