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Basket Ball Boys

We started on our journey for the champion-ship at Muskogee, where the B. W. H. S. Tigers showed their tigerism and defeated Muskogee 22––16. The Muskogee "Five," believing that they could win in Tulsa, came over and were defeated again by the Tigers 28––10.

Claremore thought that she could enter the basket-ball world, and attempted to do so, but the thought was soon driven out of their heads by the overwhelming defeat administered by the Tulsa "Tigers." The score was 40––13.

The Tigers thought that they would leave Oklahoma because there were no teams at home to compare with them. They left for Kansas and played their first game in Parsons, where they defeated the local team 18––16. The "Tigers" next journeyed to Fort Scott where they were defeated for the first time. The score in this game was 27––19. The Tigers suffered defeat in Chanute, where a foul called in the last minute of play, made the score 24––23.

The last game of the season was played at home with the Langston team as an opponent. Both teams made a brilliant showing and the outcome of the game was in doubt until the referee's whistle ended the contest 31––24 in favor of the "Tigers."

B. W. H. S. 22    Muskogee 16
B. W. H. S. 28    Muskogee 10
B. W. H. S. 40   Claremore 13
B. W. H. S. 18     Parsons 16
B. W. H. S. 19  Fort Scott 27
B. W. H. S. 23     Chanute 24
B. W. H. S. 31    Langston 24