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The Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute

A Religious Drama in Three Acts
By Mary P. Hamlin

Presented by
The College Senior Classes
January 16, 1926, at 7:45 p.m.



Simon, a fisherman..............A. Leon Harding
Adina, his wife.................Emmy B. Churchill
Deborah, her mother.............S. Alice Mullen
Ucal, her uncle.................Joseph W. Goodloe
Mary of Magdala.................Vivian T. Flagg
Pandira, a Greek................Frank W. Merritt
Titus, a Roman officer........Thomas H. Shields, Jr.
Agur, a physician...............Robert L. Battle
Servant to Magdala..............Annie M. Mercer

Scene of Acts I and II are in the courtyard of the house of Andrew and Simon in the great cosmopolitan city of Capernaum. The third act is laid on a housetop in Bethany. Here we see the culmination of the struggle of Peter in the decision to support the Master's kingdom.

The class acknowledges with thanks the assistance of Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Gregg in directing and staging the play; of Miss Kendall in preparing costume; of Mr. Miner in arranging scenery.