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6/24/82 - Korean stage

- Instrumental: on long board shaped ztiha, played with resined stick. Also called "ajan." Accompanied by a drum. Ajan - 7 stringed instrument 

-Folk song of Chindu island - consists of one huge fertile plain. Main occupation is (rice) farming. Song very highly sophisticated

Song #1 - rice shoots are taken out of water seabed for rice transplantation

Song #2 - song of weeding - best worker is chosen and placed on top of a horse to landowner's house where rice is given to him.

Demonstration of traditional Korean instruments

Instruments: play solo and in a group

- drum - chongo - 2 skin heads and hollow inside (black crane[[?]] harp) - comungo - zither - plucked

- flute - tagem - bamboo, no hemp [?]

- [[strikethrough]] bach [[/strikethrough]] bow - higum - two strings
AJAN - Bowed Zither with wooden stick
Peidie - KANE (Bamboo) with large reed alto
Small gong (Small gong) or Gin Gaaie
Ching (large gon) for fundimental beat
Paiag - Symbls
Hogag - Bugle like horn
or Titcom

Adidan Korean folk song

Narrator speaks of event
Players step stage [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] playing instruments