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12:52 Song begins (tonga)
Heyman also comments dur. tonga
12:53 1/2 song ends
Heyman speaks 
1:06 Miss Pahk sings (cylinder drum acc.)
1:12- Liebermann speaks-intro dance program 
1:16- Heyman-intro dance
[inst. ensemble- hourglass drum (women) - changgo
smell oboe-p'iri
Transverse flute - Togûna [[?]]
haegûm -
Kayagûm (women) )
"Flower Crown Dance" - count dance 
1:24 - Heyman speaks- intro exorcism dance
1:28 Dance of exorcism (folk ritual)
1:34 - Heyman speaks 
1:36 -"Fan Dance"

Reel #3  SI-FP-1982-RR-276
1:39 - Heyman speaks
1:42 - "Drum Dance" - Un Bang-cho-dancer-plays second changgo while dancing 
1:45 - Heyman speaks
1:47 - "sword dance"
1:51 - Heyman speaks
1:53 - "Shamen dance" (MUDONG) - dancer Un Beng-cho plays a rattle
1:58 - Liebermann speaks 
2:00 - Heyman introduces cheju Island Dancers
2:03 - Four [[?]] work song - "Patting Down the Earth" [NOTE-jingle is from bridle of horse being lead around by singer - prob. not traditional- it's from one of the "Anaber" pedlers from Baltimore]
2:09 - Heyman 

Transcription Notes:
possible incorrect u accent (û?)