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Bureau R F & A L
Murfreesboro Tenn
[[strikethrough]] March [[/strikethrough]] April 1st 1866

Major Genl Fisk
Asst Comr Ky. & Tenn-

[[top margin]] Send Henderson to us with statement of facts & evidence Let Lawrence there decide


I am under the necessity of asking for Instruction on the following affair which will be in minutia explained further to you by Mr Bryan if necessary the Case is referred to in my report sent by bearer - Mr B-

Henderson is charged with "Assault & Battery with intent to Kill" That on the 24th of March Said Henderson in the heat of passion Strike Gabriel Simmons on the head with a Blacksmith's hammer fracturing his skull Simmons came & complained I sent for Henderson who gave bonds in $2000 for his appearance & two others signed the Bond as Sureties in $1000 each - Last night Simmons died from the effects of the blow struck by Henderson- I sent this morning an Officer & Six mounted me to bring in Henderson now General what shall I do with him?