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Head Quarters Superintendent Freedmans
Bureau Rogersville March 24th 1866

General C B Fisk
Nashville Tenn

Dear sir
Your favor of the 16th came duly to hand and I will according give you a full once Claim Statement of the Case of Stuart against Kyle in relation to a Certain mule which Stuart claims as his property the facts are as follows Some time in the month of October a man by the name James Clark authorize to gather up government stock traded the mule to one Jerry Kyle a freedman for a horse unbranded the personal property of said Kyle which facts I am knowing to myself and here I will state that when the Quarter Master sold Government Stock at auction at the place he would not take the sold mule out of the possession of said Kyle after hearing the facts of this Case the mule in question is branded US I had the mule showed and the Brand is perfect Said Kyle is a good honorable Freedman and possesses good quarters which all of the citizens of said County will testify

PS You will please instruct me what to do in the matter as soon as convenient

Respt W O Sizemore
F B Hawkins County