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orders, directions or request, I never asked Sergt Mitchel for an escort but once which he refused and that was to go through a neighborhood in which a party had threatened my life -

Spec. 14th
On April 1st on passing through the public Square met Sergt Mitchell, it being quarterly Court day, a great many people were in town  I suggested to him, that I thought there would be fighting going on, and asked him if it would not be well for some of his men, to walk around among the crowds, remarking it may prevent a fight  he made no reply, if so I do not recollect it

I was informed by Lt. Brady while here in Lebanon soon after the Soldiers were sent here, to furnish them with Forage, and for what rations I had already furnished, and forage I should furnish them, that I should be paid for, and that Vouchers would be given me for the same. I furnished them while here Flour, Meal, Coffee and Meat at Various times. I furnished Cooked food for Two Men from my House while they were sick here, I also furnished fuel and Cooking stove for them during the whole time they were here -

If any errors were committed on the part of the undersigned, he pleads to the fact that he is a Civilian and not accustomed to Military duties.

W.D. Goodwin

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