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May 27, 1963

Dear Ruth, 

Thank you for your letter. Glad to hear your show in Rochester is well received. 

Your doors are still being considered. As a  matter of fact, when I visited the offices of the architect who hopes to incorporate them into his plans, your brochure (with the doors and sculpture on the cover, and the Secunda inside), was pinned to his bulletin board along with his designs and other materials. The architect is planning to use three of our artists ( paintings) in this same building, which is one of the most important new buildings going up on Wilshire, and is very elegant and expensive--but it is a long-range deal, so we won't know for some time. 

Yes, Morris was in Japan last fall. I guess you know we were in New York for his show at the Downtown Gallery, which was an enormous success, in spite of the news-paper strike, which was still in full swing. But he got a great review in Time (with a reproduction), and also the New York Times Western edition. 

We had a gala art promenade sponsored by the Junior Art Council--a fund-raising event for the new museum's acquisitions. It was a great hit--we showed Henry Miller watercolors, in addition to new examples of gallery artists, and the council said the consensus of opinion was that we had the best show on the boulevard. We sold quite a lot. Anyway, it was so successful that the council is going to make it an annual event. They raised over $10,000, and wrote me a wonderfully appreciative letter 

With warm regards, 

Joan Ankrum