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Jos. W. Allen Esq Memphis Dec 30/67
Dr Sr,

Charles Michie of Fayette Co (at LaGrange) Tenn, some 15 months ago, conveyed his lands to honor [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] debts owing by him, say one of about $15000 to the Union Bank &. one to Potter, Nato, White & Bailey of Boston Mass. for about $2500-  The lands lie on the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, between Lagrange &. Grand Junction, & nearly or quite [[?]] than two villages on the West &. East. 
Recently Michie has not rec'd notice from the Freedman's Bureau, that his land, an "abandoned lands" &. that they will be seised Jan'y 1/68 &. bound to freeedmen &. refugees.
Michie took the Amnesty Oath early upon the close of the war, &. enclosed his papers to Washington

Transcription Notes:
Reopened - 15 [[?]]