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Head-Quarters Department of the Cumberland,
Office of the Chief Quartermaster.

Louisville, Ky., April 21st 1868

Bvt. Maj. Gen. W.P. Carlin,
Asst. Commissioner,
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Nashville, Tenn.


Yours of 18th inst. in relation to payment of expenses of the Agents of your Bureau, while absent from their stations investigating claims &c referred by the Quartermaster's Department has been rec'd. 

When it may become necessary for your Agents to travel, in order to investigate the cases referred to them, transportation should be furnished by the Qr. Mr's Dept. when it can be done, and when it cannot, then the actual expenses incurred should be refunded.

The account to be paid by the Quartermasters Department, on your approval.

It would certainly be unreasonable to expect one of your Agents to perform