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Transportation for teachers. 

J 255 RFAL Vol 13 '68.

Washington, July 1, 1867.

No. 22.   }

The Act to continue in force and to amend "An Act to establish a Bureau for the relief of the Freedmen and Refugees, and for other purposes," passed July 16, 1866, contemplates that when teachers for Freedmen's Schools are provided by private benevolent associations of citizens, it shall be without cost to the Government.
When teachers are so provided, and on application therefor made to the Commissioner by the duly authorized agent of the association employing them, transportation in kind will be furnished by this Bureau for such teachers from their homes to the nearest accessible point, by the established lines of communication, to the place where it is designed they shall be employed. 
When the journey shall have been actually performed, and from causes beyond the control of the teacher, it is found impracticable to use the transportation orders furnished by this Bureau, the amount that such transportation would have cost the Government may be refunded on the surrender of the orders issued.