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[[2 Columned Table]]
|Abby, R.|Sept. 4 and 20, 1865|
|Adjutant General's Office (G. W. Foster)|Sept. 7, 1865|
|Alvord, Rev. J. W.|Feb. 26, 1869|
|American Freedman's Aid Commission (Rev. Jacob Shipherd)|Oct. 17, 1865|
|Anderson, John|July 15, 1868|
|Andrews, William J.|July 13, 1865|
|Baldwin, S.D. and Pinkard P.N.I.|July 31, 1865|
|Balloch, G. W.|Mar. 12, 1866|
|Bankhead, L.P.|June 11, 1866|
|Barnard, B.|July 29, 1865|
|Barnard, R. W.|July 1 and Aug. 31, 1865|
|Barnes, S. D.|May 16, 1866|
|Barnum, J. N.|Sept. 30 and Dec. 14, 1868| 
|Barry, Winham & Co.|n.d. 1865|
|Bartlett, Mr.|Aug. 2, 1865|
|Bates, Edward|Feb. 19, 1866|
|Beecher, P. D.|May 8, 1866|
|Bierbower, C. E.|Feb. 26 and Apr. 6, 1866|
|Blakeman, Joseph|Nov. 19, 1866|
|Bower, S. W.|Apr. 23, 1868|
|Boyan, Josiah F. (Filed with Lucas, William, 1866|Mar. 10, 1866|
|Brazelton, W.|June 27, 1866|
|Brient, Jacob et. al.|Aug. 17, 1866|