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[[2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |
| Broadhead, J.M. | Oct. 11, 1865 |
| Brooks, T.W. | Nov. 27, 1865 |
| Brown. H.S. | Mar. 7, Apr. 6, May 26, and Aug. 1, 1866 |
| Brown, James | May 10, 1866 |
| Brown, S. | Mar. 5, 1866 |
| Brownlow, Gov. G. W. and Fletcher, A. J. | July 13, 1866 |
| Buchanan, Robert | May 8, 1868|
| Buckley, H. M. | Feb. 26, 1866 |
| Burnett, Leo F. | Apr. 23, 1866 |
| Caldwell, R. | Mar. 20, Apr. 3 and June 2, 1866 |
| Calhoun, J. C. (Filed with Lucas, William, 1866) | Mar. 7, 1866 |
| Carlin, W. P. | Apr. 28, 1868 (2) |
| Christian, Wiley M. | June 27, 1866 |
| D'Alton, Robert A. | Mar. 8, 1866 |
| Drew, W. P. | Feb. 19, 1869 |
| Eaton, John Jr. | Mar. 5 1866 |
| Ellison, W. R. and Woods, James | Oct. 10, 1865 |
| Ely, John | Mar. 20, 22, and 28; Apr. 4; May 11; and June 16, 1866 |
| Farwell, R. E. | Sept. 25, 1865 and Mar. 1, 1866 |
| Fernald, E. U. (Filed with Lucas, William, 1866) | Mar. 10 and 11, 1866 |
| Fisk, C. B. | Aug. 26, 1865 and Mar. 9, 1866 |
| Fletcher, A. J. | July 7, 1866 |
| Fowler, William | May 22 and Sept. 22, 1866 |