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[[2 Columned Table]]
|Himes, Joshua V.|Jan. 27, 1869|
|Holloway, J.J.|Jan. 18, 1866|
|Howard, O.O.|Mar. 14, June 12, and|
||July 9, 1866; and Jan.|
||8, 1869|
|Howard, O.O. (Through||
|Brown, J. M.)|Jan. 22, 1866|
|Howard, O.O. (Through||
|Whittlesey, E.)|Dec. 19, 1868 (3); and|
||Jan. 23, Feb. 18 and Dec.|
||19, 1869 (2)|
|Hull, John|Sept. 19, 1865|
|Jacobs, J. E.|Jan. 30, June 30, and|
||July 17, 1866|
|Johnson, R. M.|Dec.22, 1865|
|Johnston, Richard|Mar. 8, 1869|
|Judd, George E.|Feb. 9, 1866|
|Kingston, Enoch et. al.|Mar. 3, 1866|
|Kyle, A. A.|July 27, 1865|
|Kyle, W. C.|July 2, 1866|
|Leay, John|Apr. 12, 1869|
|Lee, Bunel|Apr. 2, 1868|
|Levy, Lallie|Jan. 17, 1866|
|Lewis, J. R.|May 15, and Oct. 15, 1866|
|Lucas, William (report and||
|affidavits concerning)|Mar. 5, 7, (2), 8 (2),|
||10 (2), and 11, 1866|