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Terms and Conditions which this and all Messages are Received by this Company.
   In order to guard against and correct as much as possible some of the errors arising from atmospheric and other causes appertaining to telegraphy, every important message should be repeated, by being sent back to the station at which it is to be received to the station from which it is originally sent. Half the usual price will be charged for repeating the message; and while this Company in good faith will endeavor to send messages correctly and promptly, it will not be responsible for errors or delay sin the transmission or delivery, nor for the non-delivery or repeated messages, beyond two hundred times the sum paid for sending the message, unless a special agreement for insurance be made in writing, and the amount of risk specified on this agreement, and paid at the time of sending the message. Nor will the Company be responsible for any error or delay in the transmission or delivery, or for the insured, and amount of risk state hereon, and paid for at the time. No liability is assumed for errors in cipher or obscure messages; nor is any liability assumed by this Company for any error, or neglect by any other Company over whose lines this message may be sent to reach its destination, and this Company is hereby made the agent of the sender of this message to forward it over the lines extending beyond those of this company. No agent or employee is allowed to vary these terms, or make any other or verbal agreement, nor any promise as to the time of performance; and no one but a superintendent is authorized to make a special agreement for insurance. These terms apply though the whole course of this message on all lines by which it may be transmitted.
   J.C. VAN DUZER, Sup't.

January 9 1866
By Telegraph from Washington 1866
To Bvt Maj Gen CB Fiske

Please state by telegram whether any of the property mentioned in your telegram of Jany third was sold for taxes under act of June seventh eighteen sixty two By order of Maj Gen O O Howard
Comssr. &c

Wm Fowler


Some of the property mentioned was sold for taxes.