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[[3 columned table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Brown Wm L | Petitioner | 131. |
| Barston H M | Supt | 35. 10. 11 |
| Babcock H.C | Lieut. | 137. |
| x Beanon Thos. J. & Mrs. M.A | Petitioner | 166. |
| x Blackburn Wm & |   |   |
| Blackburn Mrs. S.A. | Claimant | 171. |
| x Boyce Jas. | Claimant | 172. |
| Ballon Robt. S. | Agent | 180 |
[[end table]]

[[right page]]
[[3 columned table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Columbia | Tenn. | 2. |
| Camp Butler | Springfield Ills. | 4. |
| Clarksville | Tenn. | 5.7.23. |
| Chattanooga | Tenn | 6. |
| Clarke W.T. | Asst. Adjt. Gen. | 7. ^[[16.19.21.]] 105. 118. 121. 57. |
| Camp Nelson Ky. |   | 9. 97. |
| Crawford Frank M. | Lieut | 13. 87. |
| Contraband Camp. | Nashville Tenn. | 13. |
| Carter Sandy | Private | 16. |
| Campbell | Lieut Henry | 26.^[[40.]] 126. |
| Childress John W | Petitioner | 50 |
| C.o. "f" 101 U.S.C.I. |   | 51 |
| Clayton N N | Petitioner | 59 |
| Company D. | 101st U.S.C.I. | 63 |
| Cochrane Jno. H. | Maj 101st U.S.C.I. | 72. 78. 113. 173. |
| x Cole Edward W | Petitioner | 79. |
| Calharn Mary S | Petitioner | 81. |
| [[strikethrough]] Croskett [[/strikethrough]] Crockett D M | Petitioner | 83. |
| Clay H.B. & N.B. | Petitioner | 84. |
| [[strikethrough]] Corpman John H.H. [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] Agent [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 96. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Coleman J.Q. | Petitioner | 97. |
| x Clay L. Withers | Petitioner | 101. |
| Coffin Eliza P. | Petitioner | 104. |
| Chravis Nathanial P | Petitioner | 103. |
| Cooper W.F. | Petitioner | 999. |
| Corbett W.H. | Lieut & A.A.A.G. | 94. |
| Curry R.O. | Petitioner | 113 |
| Curry Rachael J | Petitioner |113. |
| Coffin Chas. H. | Petitioner | 103. |
| Carnes Jas A | Petitioner | 74. |
| Cox Thos A | Petitioner | 68. |
| Cunningham G.W | Petitioner | 144. |
| Coldwill R. | Supt. | 160. |
| Curslee Thos. G. | Petitioner | 164. |
[[end table]]

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