Viewing page 6 of 130

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[[3 column table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Edgefield | Tenn. | 18. |
| Eno Stephen H. | Capt. | 19. 65. |
| Ewell Mrs L.C. | Petitioner | 31. 54. 80. 74. 31. |
| Elliott C.D. |   | 70.- |
| Ewing E.H. | Petitioner | 74. |
| X Eveleth Grace |  | 101. |
| Eaken Albert and | George N. | 101. |
| X Eveleth Saml C. |  | 161. |
| Eddy A.R. | Capt & Chf. Q.M. | 153. |
| X Epps W.E. | Claimant | 161. |

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