Viewing page 7 of 130

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[[3 columned table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Ford E. J. | Surgeon | |
| Fernald E. N. | - | 6. |
| Farwell R. E. | [[strikethrough]] Citizen [[/strikethrough]] Capt | |
| Fly John W | Petitioner | 42. |
| French William | Agent | 46.63 |
| Flourney W.C. | Petitioner | 50. |
| Frierson I. J. | Petitioner | 60. |
| Fletcher Andrew J. | Petitioner | 82. |
| Fowler I. W. | Petitioner | 94. |
| x Farrington M. M. | Petitioner | 97. |
| Fite L. B. | Petitioner | 108. |
| Francisco W. B. | Petitioner | 112. |
| x Fort John J | Petitioner | 58. |
| Forrest Sarah R. | Petitioner | 147. |
| Foster R. C. | Petitioner | 167. |

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