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[[3 column table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Grove Jno. H. | Surgeon | 9. 21. 24. |
| Gallatin | Tenn | 19. |
| Goodfellow T.M. | Chaplain | 20. 28. 41. |
| Gentry Martha A & Wm. M. | Petitioner | 42. |
| Gray William | Mayor | 44. 63 |
| Grim L. | Capt | 46. 79. 65. |
| Gash H.W. | Agent | 47. |
| Gregory Joseph O | Corporal | 49. |
| X Garth Catherine W | Petitioner | 53 |
| Grove J. H. | Surg. | 53 |
| Green John W. | Agent | 70 |
| Green A.L.P. | Petitioner | 84 |
| Gregory Jas. H | Agent | 114. |
| Gable Wm. | Lieut | 65. |
| Garren Lewis | Surgeon | 163. |
| Gallaway Wm. | Claimant | 163. |
[[end table]]

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