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Sup't Bureau R., F. and Ab'd Land,
Clarksville, Tenn., March 31st 1866
Brevt Maj Genl C B Fisk
Nashville Tenn

Dear Sir

In accordance with instructions from your office I submit the following report of the opperations of the BRF&A Lands for Montgomery County Tennessee

There has been no rations, clothing, medicines &c issued to destitute Refugees & Freedmen during this month (March)

The number of contracts made during the month (33) Thirty three

The number of individuals whoes labour was contracted for (66) sixty six

The number of fines

No orphants or abandoned Minors of Freedmen have been apprenticed, by me during the month

The number of schools, scholars and Teachers in this county, not known, the small Pox, has caused the breaking up of several schools

The state of feeling on the part of citizens towards Freedmen, with few exceptions, favourable

The Bureau is not by any means a favorite Institution with the people but is less objected to, as its opperations are being better understood

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