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"submit to you for your consideration, Say, 
"issue an order regarding the planters who are 
"farming in shares with freedmen, that when 
"the crop is gathered, or ready for market, before
"any part of it is sold, it shall be the duty
"of the employer to notify the Superintendent 
"the crop is ready for the division, then it
"shall be the duty of the Supt to take the contact 
"belview the parties and divide the crop as per
"agreement. Sell the portion belonging to the
"freedmen, make settlement belview the parties
"and pay the remainder over to freedmen. This plan
"meets the approbation of all our planters who are
"disposed, and milling to deal justly with the

"In the first place the negro will get a
"fair & equitable division of the crop, 2 the plan-
"ter will get pay for the actual necessaries
"furnished the freedmen or his family; 3 The 
"freedman will get a fair requitable settlement
"with his employer, 4 When in the judgment 
"of the Supt, he believes the planter will make
"an honest & fair whim of the proceeds of the crop 
"and it is his wish to do so, he can get a permit
"from the Superintendent to ship it all together
"as denied. This plan meets the approbation 
"of the better portion of our planters and forces
"the others to give the negro his dues, as it is ev
"ident he cannot get it, unless he has some