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"the contracts and would respectfully beg that
"this be referred to Bt Brig Genl. J R Lewis Asst
"Commr for Tennessee".

Mr G. E. Green Supt for Madison County under date of Sept 30th says, "Most of 
"the difficulties between white & black arise
"from the settlement for their labor. Crops are
"small and they do not seem disposed to pay
"the blacks according to their contracts."

Mr Thomas Maxwell Supt for Harding Co in his report for Sept states that,- "The
"Civil Authorities do not show any disposition
"to do justice to the freedmen in any case what-

Mr W. C. McConnico Supt for Lauderdale County reports for Sept that, "There has been 
"several difficulties, but the Civil Authorities 
"will not have anything to do with them. You
"will confer a favor on me by telling me what
"to do."

From the counties of Henderson, Decatur, Hardimon &  Weakley the usual reports of evrything "getting on well" is received.

Mr H. G. Hertin of Weakley Co. reports 
"All getting on well. no complaint on the part
"of either Freedmen or whites."_

Mr Houston Roberts of Decatur Cr, states 
"All getting along quiet and well in my county".

Mr. J.D. Ussury of Hardimon Co, writes

Transcription Notes:
I was not sure how to handle the quotation marks and the hyphenated words.