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the line of Shelby and Fayette Counties Tenn. and the State of Mississippi. Lawlessness reigns supreme. The Civil Authorities either cannot or do not desire to protect the freedmen in their rights, either as to person or property. It is without doubt the worst section of country in this District. There appears to be a set of scoundrels in this neighborhood who visit the plantations in the night, from time to time, and rob the freedmen of their fire arms, amunition etc. Two of this class visited the planation of Messrs. Glisson & Brown, near Forrest Hill Station, in Shelby County, on the night of the 21st day of October 1866, and murdered a Freedman by the name of Tony Breckenridge. The only reason they had for committing this crime was, that they demanded his pistol, when he refusing to give it up was shot dead. The parties made their escape without being recognized. I sent Capt. Kendrick to investigate the case on the 24" ult., but he was unable to fix the crime upon any known person.

On the 11th day of October a freedman by the name of George Washington was shot and dangerously wounded by a white man named David Brooks near