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From the laborers on farms the Supt has heard little or no reports of complaints.

From those working farms on shares there has been no complaints made although the Supt expected differences to arise in distribution of crops etc. from the freedmen whom the Supt will designate as day laborers, has there been disputes or litigations to any extent. these people are not generally industrious. they will not work for any length of time but their immediate necessities and are generally hired as a last resort for labor, and frequent disputes and petty differences arise as to the value of labor done etc. in this class are the lewd and lawless.

J.B. Coons, Actg Supt Davidson Co reports During the month no outrages were committed upon freedmen in this county except the forcible abduction of a number of cold minors by Messrs Beach and Cheatham, a special report of which will be made