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value to the colored people who will in future be shrewder in making bargains and more economical with their hard earnings.

Supt Nelson further reports as follows. I have the honor to report that two freedmen are here this morning from Williamson Co complaining of one James Jenkins their employer, he assaulted one of them George Wilson yesterday, while in a passion struck him whith a stone, then with an axe, cutting him rather severely on the fore arm. When George picked up a stone to defend himself, and Jenkins ran to the house and got his gun to shoot him George wrenched it from him and fired into the air and seeing two white men coming to Jenkins' assistance he took to his heels and escaped.

Jenkins rode over the country all the afternoon looking for him and swearing that when found he would shoot him down, and he also threatened to shoot two others of his hands if they crossed his path, so they all fled and are afraid to return, and Jenkins is indebted to them for the years services. They pay and I believe it that no Justice of