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[[swin]]dle them out of their share of the crop. They say that they have remonstrated with their employers but to no effect. In many cases their share of the crop has been hauled off to some point and then disposed of without any returns being made to them for their labor.

In some of these cases, I have sent notices to these parties to appear, and have their cases investigated, but the parties refuse to take any notice of such order, and send insolent messages in answer thereto. It would be all folly for these freedmen to obtain justice before the civil authorities and in many cases when the Justice has issued his writ the constable of the county has refused preemptorily to serve such writ.

Under these circumstances, I am at a loss to know what course to pursue to obtain for these freedmen what they are justly entitled to, and what they have worked faithfully for during the year.

These freedmen have no money to pay counsel to bring suits before the civil courts or are they able to give bonds to appeal their cases, in case they are decided against them in the Justices Courts.