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It is very evident that the freedmen will suffer great hardship this winter, or be compelled to hire out for any wages that may be tendered them, even for their simple board and provisions.

I consider that this state of affairs needs prompt and decisive action, that the freedmen require to day more protection from the United States Government than at any previous time. In all these cases there seems to be a combination to defraud the Freedmen and to hold in utter contempt the authority of this Bureau.

I would respectfully bring to the notice of the Asst Com'r that in some of the counties especially in Rutherford Co the Civil Courts will not levy attachments on the crops to secure the laborers their portion of it even when a lien is given on it unless the plaintiff will bind himself under a bond of twice the amount claimed that he will prosecute the case. This bond not one of the col'd people in one hundred can give, and in this manner injustice is worked the Freedmen.

I consider there is a great improvement from the first of the year. 

Transcription Notes:
one word left, near the bottom (new?)