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scholars. The School at Athens McMinn County has closed for the present having no house suitable to hold it in. The Freedmen are using every effort to obtain one and I think richly deserve assistance. There are a considerable number of abandoned minors of freedmen in this county, and as soon as the county court meets (first Monday in Jany) I think I can get them apprenticed in good homes where they may receive all the benefits of the law, applicable to white apprentices.

In conclusion I will state that the freed people seem to be more anxious on the subject of education than anything else."  But, Capt. Saml. Walker Supt Knox County, reports: that, "several cases of extreme destitution among the Blacks have been reported during the last two weeks, and although the attention of the civil authorities has been repeatedly called to these cases no action has yet been taken for their relief. The difficulty seems to be that most of these cases are parties who came into the county during the last few months, and the Law requires them to have lived in the county at least on year, before they can be admitted to the county poorhouse, as the city authorities have no Hospital or asylum of any kind to which to send such cases they have thus far declined